Friday, November 11, 2005

Giant friggin' berries, oh my!

I would just like to note that I find it a little disturbing that I can find and eat blackberries and raspberries bigger than my thumb on a cold November day. These things did not grow naturally, that's all I'm sayin'... Not that I mind, of course, but it's sometimes... disturbing.

Mm, GMOs, breakfast of champions...

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Employee Relations

What is so difficult about the concept of work? When I worked at the front desk, I had to deal with a LOT of absenteeism. I wasn’t the actual receptionist, I had my own 2 jobs to do, but when we had turnover (for WEEKS at a time!) or when they would call in sick (regularly!), I would cover the desk. Did I get an hour every day for lunch? Hell no. 90% of the time, I would eat in between phone calls and interviewees coming in. If I got a half hour, I was happy. I never expected to take an HOUR when there were so many other things going on. And I sure as hell didn’t have 4 other people to ask to cover. There was my boss, whom I would never ask, since she’s the BOSS, and one other recruiter, who was just as busy most of the time!

Furthermore, if you’re going to ask someone else to cover, don’t ask me for a whole hour. I have things to do too. You don’t have to ask ME every time, either. And if you are going to ask… how about not at 12:40? When I’m already eating, thinking you’ve been a big girl and have taken care of it yourself? I HAVE THINGS TO DO TOO. Stop being lazy, stop being helpless, stop being inefficient. And if I come to cover… have food. Seriously. Don’t ORDER when that will take an hour to arrive, and you could walk THREE MINUTES to get the fucking food.

Back to our regularly scheduled programming…

Monday, November 07, 2005


I love my kitties. They're soft and warm and cuddly, and they always love me a lot when I make it home. I'm feeling a little guilty about not being home at all this past weekend... :(

Sabrina is in a love-dance mood altogether. She jumps into my lap and finds a way to lay down, curled up, and leaning against as much of me as is possible. If I'm wearing my robe, then that's all the better to her, since she tries to burrow inside! Sabrina purrs the whole time. She also likes me to give her smooches on the top of her head... she'll walk up my lap or chest, and bump her head into my chin or mouth, clearly saying "SMOOCH ME! SMOOCH MEEEEE!!" Lately, she's also really into scratches on both sides of her face at the same time.

Punkin is a whiner... he'll meow and meow in that puny little voice until you pick him up and hold him. He's such a girl... he just wants to be held. Loverboy isn't allowed to sit while holding him, Punk just jumps down. Nope. You have to stand. For some reason, Punk lets me sit, thankfully, since I'm a lazy one. And he's started kneading us lately. That's weird to me, because he was never a knead-the-lap kind of cat before. Neither of them were. But now... Punk will happily make his bed and purr madly for several minutes. Weird.

Both of my kitties come when called, running with their little paws pounding the floor, rushing to see what's going on. They wait at the door when we come home, they sleep on the bed with us all night, and they keep us company, patiently waiting on the bath mat, while we shower or pee. You don't even realize it at first... you get up from the couch to go to the bathroom, and suddenly, the two kitties that were fast asleep are now in front of you, yawning and looking for scritches while you're trying to pee. Not that I'd ever be mad about that, but still... Punkin is usually found waiting outside the shower door for the millisecond that you turn off the water, so he can jump in and lick water from the corners of the shower. We've taken to rinsing the walls very well in an effort to keep a "mildew-free kitty", as Loverboy says.

I love them. I really really love them. They are loving and funny and quirky and sweet, and they give us 200 times what we give them.

Smoochy buggers.