Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Fighting the lazies

I've been going to the gym. No, it's true.

It's been one lousy week and I'm as proud as if it's been 3 months already. It's pathetic that after such a small showing I'm all like "yeah, I was at the gym on Sunday and it was empty!" or "Oh, don't mind me, I'm just stretching because my muscles are all tight from the gym". *shakes head*

I should be ashamed... but I'm not. Heh.

I want to start a new habit for myself, but I'm trying to be realistic. After all, I'm going to have classes again at the end of the month (fucking colleges that don't fucking schedule Chem I at night, those fuckers!), but only Bio II. So I'm trying to go when I'll really go - weekends, a couple evenings here or there, the very very occasional morning before work, that's it. I'm not a 5:30am-every-other-morning nutcase like some unmentionable people I know. I just can't deal with that. So we'll see. I only bought a 1-month membership to see if I'll go - I don't want to be out several hundred dollars if I get an attack of the lazies.

So far, so good... I suppose. Mostly cardio and quad- and core-strengthening stuff. That's what I need most, so I can go do something more interesting like the rock wall or rebounding classes (like aerobics, only on trampolines!!! how frigging cool is that???). Ahem. Sorry.

Wish me luck.


Blogger Jason said...

You have every reason to be proud. As Brian said - one week becomes two, and two becomes three, and every day that you go is an accomplishment. So good for you, and allow yourself to feel proud about it.

9:42 AM  

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